Sunday, January 4, 2009

I Don't Have Much To Say, But That's Not Stopping Me

Okay, I was reading some reviews for new German and French books (I'm on the lookout for a German poet whose work I can translate. I figure if I finish it sometime in the near future, I can try to get it published, which would make my resume look better. At this point, I'm thinking either Marcel Beyer or Gerhard Falkner.) when I ran across this: "To those who enjoy reading French poetry, who take pleasure in being miserable, and who do not have troubles of their own, Mme. G. de Montgomery's "Immortalite" will be heartily welcome... [T]here is no attempt made to express Weltschmerz, but merely Selbstschmerz" ( Sounds like a fun read! I sincerely hope no one ever describes my work like this.

While I'm quoting stuff, here's another fun quote: "As soon as I left, / my friends had an orgy. / ... / I'm not a very naked person." (Dauer ln. 1-5). Strange stuff. I thought that was an odd way to start off a poem, but hey, what do I know. She's published and I'm not. No really, some of her other stuff is nice, I'm just not huge on the lemurs and orgies poem.

The job market is not great, so who knows whether I'll get a job or not. Most of the places around here aren't hiring, according to their websites, so we'll see. I'm hoping that I can sell my embroidery in town, but I have to go around to the local galleries and see if anyone will take it.  Meh, we'll see. It'd be nice if I could do something like that, since I could keep working on the pieces at school. That would be nice, since I don't plan on getting a job when I'm back at school.

Well, that's all for right now. I'm sorry, but I didn't bother to proofread, so if there are any glaring grammatical errors, then that's why.

1 comment:

Nomad Turtle said...

Interesting post, selling embroidery? That sounds like a good idea! Yeah, well, as a poet, there will always be fans and critics of every poem. Nothing is sacred :P Someone will rip you to shreds just to be wordy and sound knowledgeable. Talk to you soon!