Monday, December 29, 2008

Hello, Folks.

Not a whole lot to report aside from the fact that I've been less stressed, my sleep is better, and I feel pretty good overall. I need to find a job soon though, so we'll see how long my life remains stress-free. Maybe I can get a job at the library? At the very least, they let you have a seat there. More than Starbucks gave me!

I promise to do the picture tour of my house (complete with pics of the bookshelf!) sometime in the near future. I need to get my room put together first (I still have some unpacking to do, things I need to straighten up, etc.), so it might be a little while. Maybe a week or so, since I keep forgetting to take the pictures.

By the way, Hil, when do you get back to NJ? Ana and I were Skype-ing the other day and wanted you to talk too, but we didn't think you'd gotten back yet. Speaking of Skype, thank you all for keeping in touch with me. You're keeping me sane. :-)

Okay, sorry folks, but this is going to be a very short blog entry. I'm extraordinarily tired, which is strange, since it's a.) only 10.40 at the moment and b.) I didn't really do anything today. I've started working out every day, but since I was at my sister's place all day, I didn't even have a chance to do that. Oh well. Enjoy pictures of my rabbit and Domo-Cube. For those interested, it was made with syrup and a napkin from the dining hall. Brian and Nicholas created this lovely piece, so send your compliments to them. 

1 comment:

Nomad Turtle said...

I want to see the rabbit and the Domo Cube fight!!! Working out!?!?! That's great, I just ran two miles tonight just to try it out :P I might start too