Monday, December 29, 2008

Hello, Folks.

Not a whole lot to report aside from the fact that I've been less stressed, my sleep is better, and I feel pretty good overall. I need to find a job soon though, so we'll see how long my life remains stress-free. Maybe I can get a job at the library? At the very least, they let you have a seat there. More than Starbucks gave me!

I promise to do the picture tour of my house (complete with pics of the bookshelf!) sometime in the near future. I need to get my room put together first (I still have some unpacking to do, things I need to straighten up, etc.), so it might be a little while. Maybe a week or so, since I keep forgetting to take the pictures.

By the way, Hil, when do you get back to NJ? Ana and I were Skype-ing the other day and wanted you to talk too, but we didn't think you'd gotten back yet. Speaking of Skype, thank you all for keeping in touch with me. You're keeping me sane. :-)

Okay, sorry folks, but this is going to be a very short blog entry. I'm extraordinarily tired, which is strange, since it's a.) only 10.40 at the moment and b.) I didn't really do anything today. I've started working out every day, but since I was at my sister's place all day, I didn't even have a chance to do that. Oh well. Enjoy pictures of my rabbit and Domo-Cube. For those interested, it was made with syrup and a napkin from the dining hall. Brian and Nicholas created this lovely piece, so send your compliments to them. 

Friday, December 26, 2008

Oh My God, Eight Months.

So, I haven't even been home a week yet, and already I feel like I'm going a bit crazy. Not to say that it's boring or anything (well, a little I suppose)-- I'm seeing my family members and everything. Under normal circumstances, I'd be fine. I was here for four months during the summer and that went well. It's just that things are a lot slower here and that gives me a lot of time to think about everything. And with all this thinking, I can't exactly avoid getting stressed/anxious/somewhat unhappy. Which makes it somewhat (near impossible) to get to sleep. If this keeps up, it will take a toll on my health. Blech.

Anyway, I think I promised in some of my earlier entries that I would keep my blog somewhat happy, and that I wouldn't bitch that much. So enough of that. I should work on staying happy anyway so my family members don't find me unbearable. :-) Even I'm getting a bit irritated with myself.

So what's been going on here? Haha, things are so boring here! I organized my bookshelf yesterday and I got so excited/proud I almost took a picture and posted it on here. I refrained, but seriously, it's awesome. Everything's in its proper section. I considered alphabetizing it, but decided not to in the end. I'll probably save that for a later date -- I've got to keep myself entertained for the next eight months somehow, after all.

I've been sending my poetry off to different literary magazines, which is a good way to pass the time. My parents think I'm a bit crazy, I guess since I seem so obsessed with getting everything out as soon as possible. My mother encourages me, but regularly reminds me that "no one reads poetry anyway." Fair enough. If people don't want to read my work, okay, but I still want it published. People can skip over it if it does not please them.

On another note, has anyone ever heard of clamato juice? (Brian, if you are reading this, I'm pretty sure that we mentioned it to you at one point.) If not, it's clam juice mixed with tomato juice. Yum. I was under the impression that we did not have this in the States, but apparently it is not uncommon. In fact, we decided to take it one step further. Budweiser thought that it could improve clamato by adding beer, salt, and lime to it. Fair enough. I'd have to be plenty drunk before I could enjoy that stuff. And to be fair, drunk people will consume anything. I had a roommate once who would eat cheese-flavored Sunchips with this vinegar/Tabasco sauce when she got hammered (or "got crunk." I am so lame that I only figured out what that meant a month ago. I need to use that Urban Dictionary you got me more often, Ana! The hip-hop instructional video, however, is a lost cause.)

Christmas was somewhat uneventful. We stayed home and had a very traditional meal, which meant I had my usual dinner of bread and olives that came from a can. Delicious. The bread would have been okay, but our oven was acting up, and it wasn't fully cooked. Haha, it almost made me miss dining hall food.

As I mentioned earlier, I have been a bit mopey, and my parents have been trying to cheer me up. My father, he tries, he does, but geez, I am glad he decided to be a consultant and not a therapist. Mostly, he thinks I will feel better if he lists every single thing that is not going right. Including the fact that I must have lost my sense of purpose, and that I lost the one place that feels like home -- two things I was not thinking about until he mentioned them. He also thinks it is a good idea to mentioned other events that have at one point made me upset -- like the time I went to the zoo when I was four, and the monkeys went wild, which made me cry. Seriously, if he were a therapist, I bet it'd go something like this: "That is tough. However, you neglected to mention your recent divorce, which must also make you want to die. If you'd like to try offing yourself again, might I suggest you try poison? It is relatively mess free!" Oh geez, I love my parents, those crazy cats.

Ah, what else? I've been embroidering. I guess I'll get a lot of that done during the next few months. I need to get a new hobby of some sort to pass the time. One that's relatively easy, since I feel I will react strongly if I fail. Perhaps knitting, since people tell me it is easy? Any suggestions? Nothing that involves a lot of physical activity. I've been very sore recently. I know my body will never be the same after all the medication after the misdiagnosis, but the stress/ lack of sleep has definitely exacerbated the problem. I'd prefer activities that involve little to no movement, thank you very much. :-)

I realized no one's really seen my house before. Let me know if you guys are interested in seeing what it looks like. If you are, I'll do a picture-tour in an upcoming entry.

Anyway, it is 5:30 in the morning and I am exhausted, so I'm sorry that this entry is not terribly eloquent. I'll try and write more in the future.

Hearts, puppies, etc.,

Kendall (I spelled my name incorrectly the first time. Fail!)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This Post Involves Pictures!

Okay, so Ana complained about me not posting a blog entry for a while, so here we go. I got a camera a little while ago, so now we have pictures to go along with my stories! Most excellent!

To the left are my good friends Nicholas and Brian. Nicholas is on the left and Brian's the one on the right. Looking at the picture, they seem as if they are greeting you in an excited manner.

I often make them do stupid poses like this. I'm not sure why they put up with me.

So three of us, plus my friend Josh decided to head to North End, which is the Italian district of Boston. Quite a nice area, if I do say so myself. I had an excellent mocha, which was also quite lovely, and while I'd like to show you a picture, it didn't turn out well.

Here are the three of us in the cafe though. I like this picture, since it's one of the few pictures from this adventure where everyone looks relatively normal. Our friend Josh wasn't in the picture because he apparently has difficulty reading and had no idea when to show up. Which is all right, since you'll see him in later pictures.
We went to Boston Commons soon after, since I've never really been there before, and while it's quite lovely there, I thought it would be a lot bigger. Oh well! I did get to see the statue mentioned in Lowell's "For the Union Dead," however, and that was nice. The picture below is of the statue. For some reason, I expected it to be a lot smaller, since Lowell spends so much time describing the good general in the poem. His statue is about a story off the ground. Either Lowell has superior eyesight (which is possible-- I'm practically blind without my glasses) or he just made up a lot of details. I personally believe it was the latter.

Since I'd like you to believe that something crazy happened, here are some pictures that will lead you to believe that a brawl broke out. Apparently, Brian died. This is quite distressing!

Back to statuary, then. Here we are resting under a statue of Thomas Cass, who, from what I can tell, is only famous for having died during wartime. Poor Thomas Cass. The next statue is better though. Just wait for Wendall.

Okay. Wendall's back at the top. For some reason, Blogger put him there and won't let me move him. Fair enough.

That's it for the pictures. There are plenty more, but it's not that fun putting them all in, so that's enough for today.
Let's move on to other matters, shall we? I've been trying to get out and enjoy myself more, since my dad just lost his job and it's likely that I'll be transferring to Michigan. So I'm more adventurous than ever now. I went to the North End/Boston Commons/China Town the other, and while I saw the first and last before, they're not places I go often, so it was nice to revisit. I'll be going to NYC this upcoming weekend most likely, so I'm also excited for that.
I can't believe it's only a month and a week and then it's finals time. And then the semester's over. Eek!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today Was Sort of Boring

Well, today was mostly uneventful. I went to class, and then I went to work. I have to say, work is getting on my nerves a bit. I could list all the things about it that are unpleasant -- it's taxing on the body, customers can be rather irksome -- but I think it's about time that someone gives me a damn promotion. My bosses acknowledge that I'm always there, that I'm a good worker. What more do they want from me? Oi vey.

I'll probably talk more about work later. I'm tired and don't feel in tip-top shape, so I'm not going to discuss anything in-depth right now, since I expect I'm a little incoherent at the moment.

I keep getting these stupid migraines. I think I've mentioned them to you before --- they're the ones that make me go blind in one eye for 15 minutes or so? If I haven't mentioned it, just let me know and I'll describe it in another post. Anyway, I got that at work today, and since they also make me dizzy/nauseous, that was pretty annoying. I'm going to student health services tomorrow (instead of class) to get some medication/an appointment for an MRI. We'll see how that goes. I'll keep you updated.

The shower smelled strongly of urine today. Seriously, who pisses in the shower? The cretins I live with, that's who.

Did I mention this in my last post? My roommate got a boyfriend recently. I expect to be sexiled shortly.

I'm thinking of moving out of Warren Towers, because it's so damn loud and obnoxious here. I'm thinking about my different options, but I might go for living in an apartment. That's still something that's very up in the air, so we'll see what happens there. If it wasn't inconvenient, that would be wonderful though. I'm sick of my meal plan. My meal plan makes it so that each meal I have turns out to be worth about 13 dollars. Since they have shitty vegetarian options whenever I'm there, that generally turns out to be a thirteen dollar plate of garbanzo beans. What the hey, BU?

Monday, October 13, 2008


So, I just finished a poem dedicated to Robert Pinsky's eyebrows. I feel this is a good way to start off my blog, and a good way to show everyone the kind of entries they'll be reading from now on.

The poem was in the style of Pinsky's "The Shirt," and thus required me to do an inordinate amount of research on eyebrows. Did you know that people were considered witches if they had unibrows back in the middle ages, which lead to the townsfolk burning them? Also, people made eyebrows out of mouse hides. That's some crazy shiznit there (notice my 90s slang?) I'm glad we just settle for plucking them now, or drawing them on, which is what I have to do every morning. I may have told you guys this, but I was making fun of how pale I was once, and someone asked me if I was albino. They may or may not have been drunk. I would expect no less from my floor.

I'm about ready to strangle everyone I live with. They're nice people, don't get me wrong, but they are very loud. Even though quiet hours start at 6:00 P.M., that doesn't stop them from whooping it up until 6:00 A.M. on weekends. It's 1:37 right now, and people are squealing next door. A quick not for all of you--- If you ever want me to hate you, make excessive amounts of noise near me while I am sleeping. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can bump off an entire dorm floor, please send them my way.

I just got back from Michigan, and the flight went all right. I'm glad I got away, since I've cooled down and rested a bit, and now I'll wait another week or so before killing my dorm-mates. I played a bit of the new Silent Hill while I was home. It is so freaky, oh em gees, you have no idea. Whoever did the sound for that game is one messed-up individual. Like, I bet he's so crazy that they had to chain him up to prevent him from maiming the other people working on the game at the time. The noises are that freaky. We have to play it in a group. I'll warn you in advance, I am too much of a wimp to play it.

I wish I had more to tell you. I work excessively here (about 17-25 hours a week) so I'm always tired. It makes for fun times. While everyone one my floor is partying, I am in my bed, playing Text Twist. I feel so old. My back and hips are always sore. When I'm not doing that, I'm doing homework a lot.

I did go to the aquarium though last Wednesday. It was free for college students, which was awesome. A girl I know asked if the aquarium workers had to brush the shark's teeth, since they had a lot of them. It's surprising, but she's in the honors college. I'm extremely tired, and thus highly emotional, and almost cried at the IMAX movie on the Grand Canyon.

I need to get back to reading Faust, so I'll update later. <3