Okay, so Ana complained about me not posting a blog entry for a while, so here we go. I got a camera a little while ago, so now we have pictures to go along with my stories! Most excellent!
To the left are my good friends Nicholas and Brian. Nicholas is on the left and Brian's the one on the right. Looking at the picture, they seem as if they are greeting you in an excited manner.
I often make them do stupid poses like this. I'm not sure why they put up with me.
So three of us, plus my friend Josh decided to head to North End, which is the Italian district of Boston. Quite a nice area, if I do say so myself. I had an excellent mocha, which was also quite lovely, and while I'd like to show you a picture, it didn't turn out well.
Here are the three of us in the cafe though. I like this picture, since it's one of the few pictures from this adventure where everyone looks relatively normal. Our friend Josh wasn't in the picture because he apparently has difficulty reading and had no idea when to show up. Which is all right, since you'll see him in later pictures.
We went to Boston Commons soon after, since I've never really been there before, and while it's quite lovely there, I thought it would be a lot bigger. Oh well! I did get to see the statue mentioned in Lowell's "For the Union Dead," however, and that was nice. The picture below is of the statue. For some reason, I expected it to be a lot smaller, since Lowell spends so much time describing the good general in the poem. His statue is about a story off the ground. Either Lowell has superior eyesight (which is possible-- I'm practically blind without my glasses) or he just made up a lot of details. I personally believe it was the latter.
Okay. Wendall's back at the top. For some reason, Blogger put him there and won't let me move him. Fair enough.
That's it for the pictures. There are plenty more, but it's not that fun putting them all in, so that's enough for today.
Let's move on to other matters, shall we? I've been trying to get out and enjoy myself more, since my dad just lost his job and it's likely that I'll be transferring to Michigan. So I'm more adventurous than ever now. I went to the North End/Boston Commons/China Town the other, and while I saw the first and last before, they're not places I go often, so it was nice to revisit. I'll be going to NYC this upcoming weekend most likely, so I'm also excited for that.
I can't believe it's only a month and a week and then it's finals time. And then the semester's over. Eek!
Best blog entry ever
yo who is that guy sitting to YOUR right in the last pic, in the blue sweatshirt?
twas like a picture book... colorful... all it needed was some shineys and i would be a very happy hilary(... I really wanted to say hippo... but better judgement is better judgement). And the guy in the blue sewatshirt is obiviouly the ghost of said dead wartime guy cooping in todays modern world, duh.
That's the Josh who can't read according to the post. I said in a message that we were going to go Saturday and he thought it said Sunday. So he arrived late.
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