Saturday, October 2, 2010

Huh. So I Made a Blog a While Back?

Well, things have certainly changed since my last post. For one, the name of this blog should probably be "For a Fine Arts Major, I Should Have a Better Site Design Than This". And I'm no longer going to apologize for bad grammar. After all, I is are be doing the arts now. Who has time for things like proper sentence structure?

On another note, I'm glad to see I was at least a pretty positive person in all of my other posts. Usually when I return to a journal I haven't written in for a while, I find it filled to the brim with angsty, self-pitying entries. So it's good to see I'm no longer like that since entering college.

I probably won't have as many GRE words in here either. Though I read the word "prelapsarian" in "The Economist" recently, and have been wanting to bring it up in conversation ever since. However, I don't talk about the pre-fall days of Adam and Eve too much, so this is turning out to be a rather difficult task.

So. I guess the real question now is, "Why exactly am I updating this now?" For one thing, my memory is selectively awful, and I only just remembered I had this thing. For another, I have to say my life is going pretty darn well right now, and it would be nice to look back on this thing a year or more from now and remember that. While I was in BU, I did enjoy what I was doing, but thinking about the future always left me feeling sort of lost and panicky. Probably because only 10 or so people make it in the creative writing business, and all those rejection letters piling up made it pretty clear that I wasn't going to be one of them. (On another note, I still write poetry from time to time, and am thinking about sending more poems off. This time, however, I plan to see which lit mags are best for emerging poets. Since, you know, sending poems off to AGNI when you're brand spankin' new to the industry is a little cocky. So if anything comes from that, I guess I'll mention it.)

I have a drawing series I'm working on just for kicks and giggles, and yes, I do think it's stupid to take on extra work when I'm already barely sleeping. But I really want to get a good portfolio together, so I think sacrificing a few extra hours is fine.

Which brings me to my next new piece of news, which is this: I'm on eHarmony. How is this dating website linked to having a very busy schedule? It means I have no idea why I actually signed up for this thing. After being on there for two months, I've made absolutely zero progress, and remembered that I don't even think I can fit a boyfriend into the mix. So yeah, no luck. It doesn't help that eHarmony is convinced that I want to be with active people (particularly salsa dancers?) who love baseball.

All right. I'm actually in the middle of drawing now. I'm finished writing this entry that no one's going to check out anyway (aside from me, maybe a year or so down the line.)

Signing off,

Kenny B.