Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today Was Sort of Boring

Well, today was mostly uneventful. I went to class, and then I went to work. I have to say, work is getting on my nerves a bit. I could list all the things about it that are unpleasant -- it's taxing on the body, customers can be rather irksome -- but I think it's about time that someone gives me a damn promotion. My bosses acknowledge that I'm always there, that I'm a good worker. What more do they want from me? Oi vey.

I'll probably talk more about work later. I'm tired and don't feel in tip-top shape, so I'm not going to discuss anything in-depth right now, since I expect I'm a little incoherent at the moment.

I keep getting these stupid migraines. I think I've mentioned them to you before --- they're the ones that make me go blind in one eye for 15 minutes or so? If I haven't mentioned it, just let me know and I'll describe it in another post. Anyway, I got that at work today, and since they also make me dizzy/nauseous, that was pretty annoying. I'm going to student health services tomorrow (instead of class) to get some medication/an appointment for an MRI. We'll see how that goes. I'll keep you updated.

The shower smelled strongly of urine today. Seriously, who pisses in the shower? The cretins I live with, that's who.

Did I mention this in my last post? My roommate got a boyfriend recently. I expect to be sexiled shortly.

I'm thinking of moving out of Warren Towers, because it's so damn loud and obnoxious here. I'm thinking about my different options, but I might go for living in an apartment. That's still something that's very up in the air, so we'll see what happens there. If it wasn't inconvenient, that would be wonderful though. I'm sick of my meal plan. My meal plan makes it so that each meal I have turns out to be worth about 13 dollars. Since they have shitty vegetarian options whenever I'm there, that generally turns out to be a thirteen dollar plate of garbanzo beans. What the hey, BU?

Monday, October 13, 2008


So, I just finished a poem dedicated to Robert Pinsky's eyebrows. I feel this is a good way to start off my blog, and a good way to show everyone the kind of entries they'll be reading from now on.

The poem was in the style of Pinsky's "The Shirt," and thus required me to do an inordinate amount of research on eyebrows. Did you know that people were considered witches if they had unibrows back in the middle ages, which lead to the townsfolk burning them? Also, people made eyebrows out of mouse hides. That's some crazy shiznit there (notice my 90s slang?) I'm glad we just settle for plucking them now, or drawing them on, which is what I have to do every morning. I may have told you guys this, but I was making fun of how pale I was once, and someone asked me if I was albino. They may or may not have been drunk. I would expect no less from my floor.

I'm about ready to strangle everyone I live with. They're nice people, don't get me wrong, but they are very loud. Even though quiet hours start at 6:00 P.M., that doesn't stop them from whooping it up until 6:00 A.M. on weekends. It's 1:37 right now, and people are squealing next door. A quick not for all of you--- If you ever want me to hate you, make excessive amounts of noise near me while I am sleeping. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can bump off an entire dorm floor, please send them my way.

I just got back from Michigan, and the flight went all right. I'm glad I got away, since I've cooled down and rested a bit, and now I'll wait another week or so before killing my dorm-mates. I played a bit of the new Silent Hill while I was home. It is so freaky, oh em gees, you have no idea. Whoever did the sound for that game is one messed-up individual. Like, I bet he's so crazy that they had to chain him up to prevent him from maiming the other people working on the game at the time. The noises are that freaky. We have to play it in a group. I'll warn you in advance, I am too much of a wimp to play it.

I wish I had more to tell you. I work excessively here (about 17-25 hours a week) so I'm always tired. It makes for fun times. While everyone one my floor is partying, I am in my bed, playing Text Twist. I feel so old. My back and hips are always sore. When I'm not doing that, I'm doing homework a lot.

I did go to the aquarium though last Wednesday. It was free for college students, which was awesome. A girl I know asked if the aquarium workers had to brush the shark's teeth, since they had a lot of them. It's surprising, but she's in the honors college. I'm extremely tired, and thus highly emotional, and almost cried at the IMAX movie on the Grand Canyon.

I need to get back to reading Faust, so I'll update later. <3